Saturday, September 17, 2011

OUES PE is rockin'! I am loving your children each day. Here are some updates:
  • Keep collecting those Box Tops! Bring 10 in a labeled bag to the gym office and earn a prize. Every Box Top is 10 cents straight to the school; it adds up fast.
  • The Rockin' Running Club (3rd and 4th grades only) will begin Tuesday, October 4th from dismissal to 3:45. Show up to the first meeting for information. You don't have to run to have fun; we walk and play fitness games too!
  • Please help your child to remember tennis shoes as a safety precaution. In addition, they are able to perform more to their potential.
  • 3rd grade PE Buddies have been amazing so far! They have demonstrated responsibility and positive role modeling for the Kinder students. I too am thankful for their help.
Upcoming unit: flag football skills/tagging

The students have been participating in team building activities over the first weeks of school. They are learning and practicing the basic routines/procedures of the gym. In addition, they have learned basic safety rules at home, school, and in the community through question movement games. We also have reviewed the importance of proper hydration and the signs that the body is not getting enough water.

Academic connections: PIG passing game to review math multiples, sequencing numbers in high rollers tag game, reading development (reading questions to partners, reading exercise task cards)